Monday, August 24, 2009

vestigial organ adn Random evolution

I am amazed that science is always learning more things! So, the world bought the idea that science was end all to end all!

Well now they discover that the lowly 'left over vestigial organ' may be needed after all!
What? You may ask. How about for creating and training white blood cells.

'What use are white blood cells' you may ask? How about fighting allergies, the flu, and possibly cancer?

I have had not only my appendix removed but my gaul bladder as well. Western medicine is now realizing the important functions of these organs. Some scientist are now searching for ways to incite the function of this vital part of our immune system. Maybe the alternative medicines that are not part of the Industrial healthcare system was the way to go a century ago! They certainly wouldn't be polluting out bodies and our eco systems!! (Do I sound like an wacko now).

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