Tuesday, August 4, 2009

AV Press letter to editor

Original letter to AV Press chastising writer of articles for leaving out vital info.

Dear editor,

Had the AV Press reporter done a little more digging, he/she might have found the injunction against the Monguls. Our Mayor Parris might not have had such a bad row. Had the Mayor stated the injunction he might not have looked so anti-business. I trust the Editor did their hoimework in the verification of this injunction before printing the Letters to editor 7/28, 2009.

After I read the Letter to the Editor, I Googled 'Monguls'. There it is, an injunction barring this 'mostly' latino gang from wearing, selling or distributing thieir logo by themselves, their family members and associates. There is more under Google and Wikipedia. They appareantly are a rival gang to the Mexican Mafia, as the 'incarcerated' ones were seperated form the other prisoners after an arrest in October 2008.

I do want to thank the AV Press for bringing this situation to our attention though. Like a fine appetizer, it peaked the interest, Adam Chant's letter was like dessert. Ashame we couldn't have gotten the whole meal when first delivered.

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