Saturday, July 25, 2009

Value Perceived

I learned a long time ago that people 'buy' when they see value. Jackie Cooper, not the actor, proffered the idea that when people buy they like the product, the price or the people dealing with them. Conversely, when people do not buy, the true objection is the product, the price or the person/people they are dealing with.

I need to define the product a little more. The 'Product' does not necessarily relate to a material good. An idea or a service provided may be the product. The simple greeting of 'have a nice day' may actually be a 'product'. While given freely, some one accepted it and their day was brightened. They actually might have bought into the greeting so much, they might have passed (sold) it on to some one else. The same is true for the question 'Are you feeling ok?' When presented enough times, one begins to believe they are not well. They have 'bought' (price is free) 'the product' (idea of not feeling well). The 'person or persons' who delivered (sold) the product was liked, trusted or both.

When I am running an Automotive Service Center, I do not 'discount'. I may have given a 'price break'. However, I do not discount. Why? Because I believe in the product I sell and the service I provide. I also believe in the technicians providing the service.
Am I overpriced? No, not at all.

When I provide the service or product, I truly believe in it.

Arrogance has no place in the sales theatre. Arrogance is the guy with the plaid suit and gold tooth sparkling in the afternoon sun, thinking he is the ultimate gift to the buying public. Confidence is the calm assurance that tells the prospect you know what you are doing, how to get it done and you'll be there for them.

Confidence? Absolutely, Yes.

People see 'value' when they find a 'benefit' for what you have to provide. They will support you with approval, time or money.

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