Friday, July 24, 2009

Black Professor Arrested and Obama's Response

President Obama is WRONG! He has no right to say, as President of the United States, that the officers are 'stupid' This smacks of Pres. Bush stating that the verdict handed down is a travesty of justice.
I was not there when the officer questioned Professor Gates. I am quite sure that our President was not there either. No, he doesn't have the chance to take it back. He said it and showed his thoughts. He does however, have the right to look at the police report and state what the facts are.

Vice President Joe Biden didn't speak on this. We already know the affable VP can stick his foot in his mouth. Usually what he says is right on any way. However, this sitting President, a constitutional Law professor, should have known better!
Hmmm, was he exercising his first amendment right? Did he slander the officers? Maybe he oughta be dragged into court and answer for his statement. The officer will.

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