Thursday, August 30, 2012

My Belief

Here is what I’m looking for in any candidate.

Your religious belief is your own. I’ll respect yours, you respect mine. If I disagree with your world view, I disagree. But I won’t denigrate you.

I don’t own a firearm. This is a choice I made. The Gov’t didn’t make it, I made it. If I want one, I retain that right!!!

I support Public Schools. I have since I was a child. Our Public schools are the bulwark of our society. Do they need help YES. Do we abandon them? NO!!!

I believe we have enough natural resources, as a State, to rival many countries. We have been STRANGLED by other interests. The time has arrived to stop STRANGLING business and start CREATING jobs and Careers for our citizens.

I believe we need to drill for oil, open the doors to manufacturing in the State and develop ‘Green Energy’.  Loosen the regulations which cause manufacturing to go to other states and nations.

I believe we  need immigration enforcement and reform. I believe strongly that the kids that have been taught by our Education system owe us for the education. Show them the legal way to gain this. We need not strangle them with new laws. We owe them the chance at achieving the American Dream We Instilled in them when we Taught them. 

I believe that there are relationships that should be recognized by the State. There is no way a Secular Gov’t is going to be able to describe a marriage between a Man and a Woman as ordained by God. We as a people can. But the State can not. There are certain situations where lifetime partners should have inheritance and end of life decisions.

I believe in a pro-life stand. Yes, even in the Death Penalty arena. There have been cases where an innocent person has been executed because of sloppy court room maneuvers.

I believe we need Workers Rights Reforms.

I believe we need Social Safety Net reform.

I believe we need to have pride back in our State, our communities, our selves.

I believe this comes from giving people a chance. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I support PUBLIC EDUCATION,I do not support a voucher system, I support a review of prisoner release,  I do not support a wholesale release of prisoners from the prison system, I support a citizens right to arms. I do not support the States grab at my choice to control if and when I wish to have a gun/rifle/pistol.  I do not support a wholesale increase in taxation, I support a legalization of Marijuana (this we can tax), I do not support an unregulated mj market, I support an employees right to solidarity, I do not support the Socialist Worker's Party nor do I support the OWS, I support the right to peaceful protest, I do not support the right to destruction of government or private property, I support a reform of the prison healthcare  system, I do not support this idea that prisoners get better healthcare than my law abiding friends and family, I support racial equality, I do not support a minority leader taking advantage of his/her position to make himself/herself look good and hold down the betterment of the oppressed  community  he/she is said to be representing so he/she can still look good, I support the right of  the significant others' relationship to the terminally ill to be there at the end, I do not support the right of a long lost relative who has no interest in the person of which he/she has had no relationship with to make EOL decisions, I support a BIBLICAL marriage, I support the right of the state to recognize a civil union. I support the right of an aetheist to to believe as he/she pleases, I support the right of a Judeo/Christian/Islamic/Hindu/Buddhist/Bahai/Wican/etc. personal belief system (do not push yours as a right over mine, you beliefs are your own), I support the right to free speech, I do not support the idea that your political persuasion/thought is the only truth (it has to be ABSOLUTE TRUTH).
I support a crackdown on BIG BANKS and the abuses foisted upon the middle class, I do not support the increase of taxation to cover and back fill the coffers of our political mis-representing hacks that created these spending gaps because the politicians and the political parties demanded it.


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Good Dads and Child Support

I have talked to three mom's this week who said their ex's were great 'dads' to the children. I ask them how the visitations and custody exchanges go, they reply 'a little hard' on the kids. Then I begin to ask 'Why'. Dad's don't see them very often or when we do we get into fights. 'Are they paying their child support?' I ask them. No, but they are great with the kids when they see them.

I know another mom who lived with a guy since the kids were in diapers, they are now early teens. This dad may not be the 'bio' dad, yet there is the emotional connection. He raised them from babes, he is their role model (a sad one it turns out).

This morning I was talking to a younger mom (younger than me) who said 'he is good with the kids'. When I asked how it is going, 'well a little hard to drop the girls off Friday', she replied. 'He just bought a new house for he and his girlfriend, with the inheritance from his grandmother. He let the condo go, so I am now in subsidized apartment with the kids.'

When queried regarding the CHILD SUPPORT she echoed his standard answer, 'he can not afford it, tho he helps when he can!'

I am going on record right now, THAT IS BS!!!!!!!!! A dad has every responsibility to pay that child support. If it is too much show the court why! If it is because he wants to go out and buy new houses, motorcycles, boats and cars so he can go play with younger women with out the stretch marks, he doesn't deserve it!!!!

Mom's need to stand up for these kids!!! Screw these deadbeats!!!!!!! Protecting children is more than shooting dogs! Protecting them is making sure these men live up to their obligations!!!!!! Quite being so nice! Mom's that do this are only hurting their children's future by stifling what is truly belonging to these children!!!

I heard on the Tom Leykis show several years ago the state of Washington has a law for men and children who have a 'father/child' relationship. Meaning if you have raised the kids, you pay.
(This is to be treated as hearsay, the reader should check this out for themselves. I am not an attorney. I am a Realtor hence the disclosure).

If the parents have fallen out of respect and 'love', so be it. However, the kids shouldn't have to suffer while daddy goes out and plays with the younger model!!!!!!

Our society is in disarray enough without men walking out on their responsibilities.

Friday, February 12, 2010


The thought that Roman Polanski could escape our justice system because he is 'an icon in France and Poland' and is a 'Holocaust survivor whose wife was murdered by the Manson clan' is distastefully rude!

Is it okay to rape thirteen year old girls in Poland or France? Furthermore, how does the sexual violence and oppression of a thirteen year old square with the the victimization of what the Nazi's did to six million Jews. Where is the outcry of continued victimization?

This esteemed director was convicted of raping a thirteen year old, then fled the US to keep from going to prison to serve out his time!

What were/are his consequences?

So, he has to stay under house arrest.

Star name actors still do his movies! So, he is not able to walk the red carpet. Ouch, that is cetainly going to hurt his ability to move about and direct other films!

The former Zurich prosecuter says 'it is not even clear if the Americans want him anymore!' Oh, yes! Many Americans want him to serve his time.

Just like others with cash and power, Roman Polanski gets off. Oooppssss Bernie didn't. That's right, Bernie burned the rich and powerful.

Roman only RAPED a THIRTEEN year old!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I spent money in Palmdale

Last night I spent some of my Christmas shopping dollars in Palmdale. Yes, I traversed the Cactus Curtain. I am not proud of it, yet I did it.
Now, I know the dollars spent in Lancaster provide a tax base for services rendered within the city of Lancaster boundaries.
Recently, I had asked about the possibility of a Whole Foods coming to our city. Granted, the thought originally came from a Palmdale Resident, Yvette Emard, and I was being selfish for our fair City. The response I received was that we don't have the demographics. I assume Palmdale can fight for that.

I have a question.

When we package our stats, do we also supply stats for the entire valley? Including unincorporated areas? Truly, buying power does not stop at the city limits. Citizenry of Rosamond have no real place to shop, save for a Taco Bell, McDonalds and Albertsons. Those in Lake LA have a couple of dollars to spend as well. Do the companies only see the City of Lancaster? Are they not treated to the entire valley then shown why Lancaster's the place to do business? With so many empty box stores on Valley Central, surely we can do something to attract medium to larger retailers.
What did we miss when Smart and Final high-tailed to Palmdale? What happened to the piracy agreement in that situation?

A variety of merchandise helps spur competition.

How many Walmarts and Targets do we really need in this Valley anyway?

I encourage a broadening of our ideas and expansion of our sphere of influence in order to attract 'bigger and better'.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Govt to determine who makes what?

I am aghast at the thought our Gov't would begin to dictate to the American Business community how much a CEO can make. I agree with the Wall Street Journal Opiner, those companies who had accepted T.AR.P. funds should be regulated. (Once those funds have been repaid, no further oversight should remain.)
However, I am not in favor of the regulation of those executives compensation packages who never even received these funds. FOMOCO CEO Alan R. Mulally and Chairman William C. (Bill) Ford Jr.
had turned down those funds and should not be penalized for turning their company around and weathering these harsh economic times.
This is a slippery slope our Federal Govt. is approaching and even eyeing as viable. Is the next step telling our medical, dental and optic Drs. how much they can make? Will they then put a cap on how much the waitress and gardener can make?

Friday, October 2, 2009

Teachers are important

I have just read the History section of the AV Press. In this tumultuous time we are living in, do we really need to name the field after some one who 'promised to cut teacher's salaries 20%, eliminate the district's business manager....'. We read further that this same gentleman then installed lights 'for the High School baseball field'.
The message we send to others is that sports is more important than paying people to educate.

I can not throw my support behind this move.