Friday, October 23, 2009

Govt to determine who makes what?

I am aghast at the thought our Gov't would begin to dictate to the American Business community how much a CEO can make. I agree with the Wall Street Journal Opiner, those companies who had accepted T.AR.P. funds should be regulated. (Once those funds have been repaid, no further oversight should remain.)
However, I am not in favor of the regulation of those executives compensation packages who never even received these funds. FOMOCO CEO Alan R. Mulally and Chairman William C. (Bill) Ford Jr.
had turned down those funds and should not be penalized for turning their company around and weathering these harsh economic times.
This is a slippery slope our Federal Govt. is approaching and even eyeing as viable. Is the next step telling our medical, dental and optic Drs. how much they can make? Will they then put a cap on how much the waitress and gardener can make?

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