Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I support PUBLIC EDUCATION,I do not support a voucher system, I support a review of prisoner release,  I do not support a wholesale release of prisoners from the prison system, I support a citizens right to arms. I do not support the States grab at my choice to control if and when I wish to have a gun/rifle/pistol.  I do not support a wholesale increase in taxation, I support a legalization of Marijuana (this we can tax), I do not support an unregulated mj market, I support an employees right to solidarity, I do not support the Socialist Worker's Party nor do I support the OWS, I support the right to peaceful protest, I do not support the right to destruction of government or private property, I support a reform of the prison healthcare  system, I do not support this idea that prisoners get better healthcare than my law abiding friends and family, I support racial equality, I do not support a minority leader taking advantage of his/her position to make himself/herself look good and hold down the betterment of the oppressed  community  he/she is said to be representing so he/she can still look good, I support the right of  the significant others' relationship to the terminally ill to be there at the end, I do not support the right of a long lost relative who has no interest in the person of which he/she has had no relationship with to make EOL decisions, I support a BIBLICAL marriage, I support the right of the state to recognize a civil union. I support the right of an aetheist to to believe as he/she pleases, I support the right of a Judeo/Christian/Islamic/Hindu/Buddhist/Bahai/Wican/etc. personal belief system (do not push yours as a right over mine, you beliefs are your own), I support the right to free speech, I do not support the idea that your political persuasion/thought is the only truth (it has to be ABSOLUTE TRUTH).
I support a crackdown on BIG BANKS and the abuses foisted upon the middle class, I do not support the increase of taxation to cover and back fill the coffers of our political mis-representing hacks that created these spending gaps because the politicians and the political parties demanded it.


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