Monday, September 21, 2009

The Lost Symbol

I am not really a reader, yet Dan Brown's book kept me enthralled. From the first phone call to the final climactic end I was kept guessing as to who the 'villain' was. The interweaving of characters and their success and/or demise was at times quite empathizing.
The question in various forms 'What am I doing here' showed the fear and frustration of the characters in a very real fashion.
Descriptions of locations and of ambience were quite sensory.
I enjoyed the author's storytelling of the different symbols and 'myths' behind them. The consipiratorial aspect of the theme was, as well.
No, I did not read the end before the story was finished. Wanted to, yet ...
I am not going to tell the end either, for it is not a secret. As with the 'secrets' of FreeMasonry, I'll not tell you. However, the answer is out there.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

What is a Mason

My father is a Mason, My uncle is a Mason, My grandfather was a mason. When asked if I am a Mason, I answer 'I am'.

Information exists out there proffered by well meaning people, and yet much mis-informnation still exists.

When we meet, it is not for the consumption of alcohol. You will not find a bar or even a liquor cabinet in one. We meet for the purpose of service and improvement.
Improvement and learning for our brothers and ourselves. Service to G-d, our neighbor, to each other and ourselves. No less, service to our community.

This was passed on to me by my father before he went through his radiation and chemo.

A Mason

Mason is a man who professes a faith in G-d. As a man of faith, he uses the tools of moral and ethical truths to serve mankind.

A Mason binds himself to like-minded men in a brotherhood that transcends all religious, ethnic, social, cultural, and educational differences.

In fellowship with his brothers, a Mason, finds ways in which to serve his G-d, his family, his fellow man, and his country.

A Mason is dedicated. He recognizes his responsibility for justice, truth, charity, enlightenment, freedom, liberty, honesty, and integrity in all aspects of human endeavor.

A Mason is all this and more.

Distributed by Rough Ashlar Lodge, Kingman AZ.

There are four Lodges within the Valley of the Antelope. Palmdale, Lancaster, Rosamond and Prince Hall (in Lancaster)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Unpaid debt

Whilst I was riding my bicycle to school, I had a flat. I walked it into a local station that stood on the corner of Glenoaks and Polk in Sylmar.
Noticing the nail in the tire, the service attendant asked if he could repair it. All I had was my lunch money, he would not take it. Instead he asked me to remember him and repay the kindness to someone else.

When I owned and managed tire repair shops, I always gave away the first flat of the day.

I often tell this story when someone offers to pay. That debt for that one act of kindness is not paid off yet. You see, I have not been released from the obligation, as I have never seen the gentlemen again.

However, the interest on that debt keeps spreading around the communities where I live and work. Yes, they also hear the story and I include them in the repayment.
I ask them to do a kindness for some one else with out expectation of re-payment, other than to tell the story over in their own words and actions.
My kids know this story well.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Thots on the Great State Of California

I am not in favor of higher taxes. Regulatory fees, administrative fees, and other types of 'fees' are just another way for taxes to be levied with out being called a 'tax'.

Public schools are not private entities owned by a select group of residents or parents. They are PUBLIC. As such they are administered by the Govt. There is no way for the Gov't. to 'butt out'.
Public education is the responsibility of the Govt.
What teacher/pupil ratio does the populace think there should be? Twenty to one? Twenty Five to one? As many as can be fit into a classroom? How about breaks and lunches? Are you aware that when ‘inclement weather’ is called, students stay in the class room? Does the populace get excited when they are not allowed to take ‘their lunch break’?
I will agree with some, teachers exist who should no longer be teaching. However, just like the death penalty, flaws exist.

Many 'Baby boomers' received the foundation for their adult lives because their parents were in unions. These unions provided Moms and Dads the security of a job when some manager woke up on the wrong side of the bed and tried to terminate their employment. Even beyond, have we forgot that Unions helped write legislation that protected women in the work place. 'Tis true, there were people that believed women should not be in the work place but 'Happy in the Kitchen, raising the children until her man got home'. Even if he came home drunk and he beat the ...t out of her.
Think of these benefits the next time your parents are in the hospital and you don’t have to help them pay for it because they have their ‘Union retirement benefits’.

I am not pleased with Garamendi. A few months ago he took a celebratory tone when he announced that drilling for oil in California had been cut off. Yet, we are able to import oil from other nations to satisfy our thirst.
As Bill O'Reilly said. The State has all the natural resources to support it, yet can't even touch it.

Now I ask, what have you done to help out? Have you gone into a classroom to sort or grade papers? Attended school board meetings or volunteered to help in district offices? How about volunteering in any public venue? After all, they are not privately owned. The entities are owned by the public. Yes you!!